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Drivers Ed Online – Be aware, nothing is too important to risk your life

Name: Jessica Deruise
From: Simi Valley, CA
Votes: 2

Be aware, nothing is too important to risk your life

aware, nothing is too important to risk your life

is something that almost everyone learns. For most, it is a way to
get to point A to point B. But many times it is a right of passage
for many young adults. It can be the way one can become familiar with
their town or they can travel their country in it to make lasting
memories. It is a sense of freedom at times, to be able to play your
music loudly and just drive to a destination. It is also, sadly,
extremely dangerous. People die every day from automobile-related
accidents. This number can be greatly dismissed when drivers get
proper drivers ed. The instructors are trained heavily to help
their students be as safe as possible on the road. They can answer
and provide a good reason for lots of our driving laws, why they are
important, and how they keep us safe. There are also many books,
provided by the DMV to help people understand the rules and
regulations that way. There are many steps that can be taken to
reduce the number of car-related deaths. Be aware of your surrounding
can often stop most accidents from happening. Other things such as
obey traffic laws, follow the proper speed limit, don’t drive
distracted or under the influence and more can greatly diminish the
number of automobile accidents. Always focus on the road because
while you may not be dring recklessly, someone else may be and you
can take yourself out of harm’s way. I have been in a car accident
before. During my senior year, my dad was driving me to the store to
grab some food to bring to a senior event. A car had been exiting the
freeway as we approached it. The driver thought she had enough time
to pull into the gas station that was next to the side of the road we
were on. She had thought wrong and collided with our vehicle. I
remember seeing the windshield of my dad’s van pop off and shatter
on the ground. I remember the intense whiplash I got and the pain I
had days after the event. This could have been prevented if she had
remembered what most driving instructors say to their students. That
nothing is too important that you have to act in that second, it can
wait. Had she waited before she attempted to turn into that gas
station there would have been no collision. To become a safer driver
it is very important to take training with a driving educator. They
can teach you important things that can save a life. I can tell
people that it can wait, there is no text too important, there is no
destination where you need to act at that moment. I can also tell
myself that I can wait, that there is no reason to turn if I do not
know if I have adequate time.