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Drivers Ed Online – In The Driver’s Seat: Safety

Name: Christin Daoud
From: Morton Grove, Illinois
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat: Safety

Drivers ed is extremely important for those who are just learning to drive; not just because it teaches them how to drive, but because it teaches them how to drive safely. For starters, it reminds people that they must follow the rules of the road. Stop at red lights, wait three seconds at a STOP sign, know when to yield, do not tailgate, etc… Drivers who follow these rules are less likely to get into fatal accidents. Furthermore, Drivers ed reminds its students that when driving, they must always keep their eyes on the road. Do not take your eyes off it, even for a second! Otherwise, you can get into a serious accident that may prove fatal. Therefore, activities like texting, talking on the phone, eating, and drinking should not be done while driving. Also, Drivers ed informs its students of the dangers of consuming alcohol before driving, showing how it can affect your vision and ability to drive and therefore lead to a fatal accident.

The people I know in my life are all safe drivers. They don’t behave recklessly when on the road, making sure to follow the rules and be careful. However, admittedly, I do know a couple people who sometimes forget to signal when changing lanes. They always look in the side mirrors to make sure that it’s safe before they change lanes, but they sometimes don’t signal. This may seem like a small thing, but really it’s not. Signalling alerts other drivers that a specific car wants to move onto their lane or another lane, and therefore they will slow down and make room for them. But if a car fails to signal before changing lanes, another car will have no way of knowing that other car had wanted to enter their lane. At the very worst, this kind of carelessness can lead to a serious or even fatal accident. Whenever I see that these particular people forgot to signal, I like to remind them so that they remember in the future.