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Drivers Ed Online – What is Driving Education?

Name: Alexis Hale
From: HENDERSON, Nevada
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What is Driving Education?

What is Driving Education?

Driving is one of the scariest things to do as a 16 year old. Getting behind the wheel, pushing on the gas, and going. The fear of getting pulled over, into an accident, your car breaks down, and so much more. Now the most common one is for one young kid to get into an accident. Before a kid gets behind a wheel they need to be taught the rules of the road. But rules are sort of hard to follow at that kind of age. Resulting in accidents on the road. Drivers ed is the number one importance someone should be taught before getting on the road. With the diever education it is all about safety, but only for yourself but others that you are driving right next too. If getting into an accidnet, you are not only affecting your life but others too. With drivers ed, it educates young adults into the rules of driving and the dangers and what may happen if you do not follow those certain rules. There can be a number of steps taken to ensure that those drivers can be safe on the road. Some of which are things such as life 360 for kids. This app allows for those parents to keep an eye on those young kids with speeding which is one of the most dangerous and most leading causes of those such accidents. Another step is to allow there to be no phones, make your kids required to put their phone in their pocket or put it away in the center console for no easy access and allow them towait until they get to their destination as safe as possible. There are numerous times I can account for where my friends have been reckless driving with me in the car. Some of them go almost 100 miles an hour and dont blink, others will pull out their phone and almost reaer end someone or drift into another lane. As a driver myself I am not a perfect and have other ways of becoming a better driver too. One thing I could do is to eliminate my phone and even throw it in the back seat, allowing for there to be no distaration while I am driving.