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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Road Safety

Name: Makayla Danae Cardona
From: Waco, TX
Votes: 0

The Importance of Road Safety


The average number of deaths resulting from driving is astronomical.The statistics for 2020 says 1.35 million people die in road accidents worldwide every year and car crashes have been said to be the 8th leading cause of death. Although these numbers are frightening, drivers ed plays a big roll in making these numbers decline. By educating young teens about road safety and showing the statistics, it educates them how much it really is important to be safe.

Also educating them the steps on how to be safe is important. Some of the steps that can be taken is to make a preset playlist for you to listen to while they’re on the road. Doing a simple thing such as changing the radio or trying to find the right song on your playlist can cause the biggest of accidents. In one split second you’re whole life can change just from one action. Another step to take is to put your phone on airplane mode/driving mode. In today’s society,checking a text message is more important than getting to your destination safely.

I have had my own experience in a car accident and it was very frightening. We were on our way to San Antonio for our family vacation and we were on the highway which was backed up very bad. There was finally a brief moment where we got to smoothly drive, but shortly after it was backed up again. As we were coming to a stop, an 18 wheeler was quite a bit behind us going 60 mph and not paying attention. My dad saw in the rear view mirror and made sure to keep the wheel steady and his foot heavy on the brakes. When we were hit it was my parents, my 2 year old twin sisters,my brother, and I. My brother got hit with the suitcases, my dads wrists got hurt from trying to keep the wheel steady because we were on the bridge part of the highway, and I had my head swung forwards and back harshly giving me instant whiplash. Thankfully my sisters were okay and their car seats protected them. I had a very bad concussion and had back problems that caused me to need physical therapy. That day was truly scary for all of us and at the time I couldn’t drive yet, but I told myself I would be an observant driver. I have lost family members to car accidents and would never wish that upon someone.

The steps that I can take to be a safer driver is to take the advice that I’ve just given. I will make my playlists that I am okay with to drive and not get distracted trying to find the right song. I will also put my phone on drive mode, so if someone tries to reach me they will get a text message saying that I am currently driving and will contact them as soon as a safely get to my destination. Another easy step is to just abide by the rules of the road, it’s as easy as that. By just abiding by the rules of the road can save so many people’s lives and also being observant of our surroundings.