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Drivers Ed Online – The Key to the Future

Name: Laura Colleen Evans
From: Penn Valley, CA
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The Key to the Future

Drivers ed Scholarship

Laura Evans

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that in 2018, there were 36,560 deaths from car accidents in the US. The best way to avoid these mass traffic deaths is providing extensive education to all licensed drivers. Important principles for Drivers ed include understanding car maintenance, demonstrating why road regulations exist, and creating the right driving mindset. With these three principles, that death toll can be cut down.

Drivers must understand the responsibility of owning a vehicle. A more thorough understanding of the important steps needed to keep a car in working order would help prevent accidents. Cars that are kept in proper shape, tuned up and checked on a regular basis are less likely to skid, break down or stop functioning at critical moments. Drivers ed gives out a set of rules for car maintenance, such as when to change tires or get brakes examined, or what each signal on the dashboard means. Through education, drivers can better understand how to keep their car in good shape, and spot the warning signs for an upcoming disaster.

The main focus of current Drivers ed courses is road safety rules and regulations. These are the most obvious key to avoiding errors and traffic accidents. Road rules must be processed to the point of becoming subconscious motions, such as remembering to switch on the turn signal and slowing down before coming to a stop. Understanding driving regulations is of course crucial to avoiding accidents, but knowing the rules alone is not enough to ensure a driver’s safety. The rules must be accompanied by an underlying explanation of why they exist. A driver will more easily remember the turn signal rules, for instance, if they understand that turning on the signal is done in consideration of other drivers’ feelings and movements. Alerting fellow drivers to your intention to turn is not just done because the laws of police and government require it, but because the laws of politeness require consideration of the needs of those around you.

A highway is a community of people all trying to achieve their goals and when those needs cross paths the rules of politeness apply. Being mindful of other drivers’ needs will make you a better driver and a better person. Driver’s psychology is important to understand, and a key aspect of education is reframing the perspective on what driving actually entails. Driving is usually perceived as a tool to get from a Point A to a Point B. But in reality, driving is a community activity that requires responsibility, integrity and sacrifices to the common good. Education can reframe a driver’s perception and hopefully create more awareness of the driver’s surroundings and responsibilities.

Drivers ed is the number one weapon against traffic fatalities. Giving drivers a thorough understanding of the needs of their car, the law, and their surrounding drivers will craft a new highway, one that prioritizes safety and humanity over efficiency and self-interest. Education is the greatest weapon against the dangers of unchecked passion.