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Drivers Ed Online – Driver Education Initiative Award

Name: Jaime Carlos Sandoval
From: Oak Lawn , Illinois
Votes: 0

Drivers ed Initiative Award

Drivers ed Initiative Award:

The importance of drivers ed is understanding what can happen when being behind the wheel. For example, I feel like many teens do not understand the destruction they can cause if they are recklessly driving. Educators do a nice job of showing and demonstrating events that can happen while on the road. During my junior year of high school I was able to experience a seminar for Illinois Partners for Traffic Safety. They had simulators and obstacle courses that we got to try out. One obstacle I remember was a “drunk goggle” one, you got to walk around a course wearing what would simulate a person being intoxicated. Seeing my friends struggle to keep a straight line, it made me think about real drivers being intoxicated, driving on the same roads I would be driving on. A simple solution to reducing the number of deaths while driving is putting the seat belt on. In 2016, recorded about 15,000 lives have been saved because they were wearing a seat belt. Another step that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths is to be clear of any distractions, according to The National Safety Council, they report about 1.6 billion accidents are caused by texting and driving. So, whether it is the radio, cell phones, or people that are in the car. By limiting the number of distractions it can reduce the amount of driving deaths. Luckly, I have not been involved in an accident in any type of way. My parents, I believe have set a good example while driving, so by watching them, I try to mirror their habits. Lastly, my teacher during high school drivers ed class would always tell us to be patient and take our time on the road, also saying that it is “better late than never”. Having patience can help everyone be a better and safer drivers. Patience to me means slowing down at a yellow light and not accelerating, making a full stop at a stop sign, and switching lanes when there is enough space in between cars.