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Drivers Ed Online – Driving on Defense

Name: Alexandria Steward
From: Yorba Linda, California
Votes: 0

Driving on Defense

Driving on Defense

By Alexandria Steward

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”, states Malcom X. While the meaning behind who the future belongs to is metaphorical in this quote, it can also be quite literal. People who chose to educate themselves on safe driving have a much higher chance of literally living to see the future. The number of deaths as a result of driving is astronomical, but through education, it can be significantly reduced.

I believe that education is the key to a promising, successful future in all subjects- especially driving. Becoming better educated on the rules of the road and how to be a safe driver is the first step we can take in significantly decreasing the number of car related deaths. Additionally, we can spread the message that being hyper aware of other drivers can prevent car crashes. Cognition exams and check-ups on experienced drivers may also eliminate unfit drivers from the road. Overall, educators and parents should assume the responsibility of implementing defensive driving habits into the youth in order to prevent further car related deaths.

In drivers ed school, I learned about the dangers of distracted driving- however, never did I think that it would affect me. On the last day of my Junior year in high school, another car collided with my own and sent my airbag flying into my face. I was immediately in disbelief at what had happened. This, unfortunately, was one of three accidents I had been involved in. I was never severely injured, but I did experience post-traumatic stress disorder for a period of time. While I was not the cause of the accidents, I learned that I needed to enhance my awareness and defensive habits while driving in order to prevent another accident involving myself.

Sharing my (three) stories has been a powerful way for me to help others become safer on the road. My friends have enhanced their awareness while driving after learning about my accidents and have been able to prevent their own crashes. I have taken my own advice to become a better driver by driving defensively and these experiences thankfully have been beneficial in the long run.

I do not believe that people need to experience an accident of their own to become a safe driver, but I do choose to use my accidents as motivation to educate others on the dangers of distracted driving. We can reduce these deaths related to car crashes, but we must start spreading these messages now.