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Drivers Ed Online – drivers education initiative award

Name: farrah adams
From: columbus, GEORGIA
Votes: 0

drivers ed initiative award

Farrah Adams

Drivers ed Initiative Award

In order to expand one’s knowledge that said person must be willing to learn and this still rings true with driving. When we first learn how to drive we primarily think about how our foot will feel on the pedal, the smoothness of the leather on the wheel, and the sun glaring into our eyes when we first turn onto a road. We typically don’t think about the encouraged paranoia we will be taught in the near future, or the jarring alarm we feel when we have to quickly slam the breaks. Nor do we think about the crippling fear when a car suddenly gets into your lane, or the constant confusion at why no one remembers to use their turn signals. These realizations are never on our mind when we start driving and sadly because of this it leads to hundreds of thousands of car accidents every year. The staggering number of teen drivers lost every year is proof enough of it. Drivers ed, either provided by a guardian or licensed professional, allows for a potential new driver to understand the reality without having to become the victim of a traumatic incident that could have possibly been prevented. It not only teaches the new driver but also tells them what to do in case their engine light turns on, or they need to replace a tire in the middle of the night. When one isn’t taught it they never fully realize the danger of driving and how it affects them and the world around them. Those who never learned it will possibly never understand the innocent victims lost due to drunk or ipaired drivers looking for a good time. Those drivers will then later have to face the families of those victims and pay in any way possible for the loss of life they caused. By learning lessons through drivers ed it can save the life of an individual by teaching them what to think on the road, how to react, and how to protect themselves in case of emergency. I have seen and experienced multiple car accidents that have been both fatal or thankfully no one was injured. These experiences shaped the way I watched other drivers when I was driving and how I reacted to them, which I believe has helped reduce my chances of being in a car accident and has allowed me to better grasp the danger of the road when learning about it. By reviewing the rules of the road, keeping cool in heated situations, and reminding myself to take care of, not just myself but, others on the road are steps I believe will make everyone a better and safer driver.

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