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Drivers Ed Online – Steps to Safety on the Road

Name: Jefferson Cordovero
From: Iona, Idaho
Votes: 0

Steps to Safety on the Road

Around six million car crashes take place in the United States every year, and nearly thirty-eight thousand people die from these accidents. Crashes and casualties on the road can be detrimental to a person’s health. Causes for such events to happen typically originate from not being responsible or caring enough to be a safe driver. Actions that include not paying attention to driving have a high chance of placing yourself and others in harm’s way. By following the laws of the road, we as a community can lower the national amount of crashes and deaths caused by car accidents and prevent further grief and dread for millions of people throughout the country.

There are many tips and tricks about driving safely that teach people good habits and responsibilities to partake in. Most of these tips are small and seem unreasonable and ineffective, but when all of the actions are assembled, together, driving will be incredibly safer. The first tip is to wear your seatbelt. It may sound obvious, but not everyone wears the required strap. 14.1% of Americans don’t wear seatbelts when driving or riding a car, and 47% of the people who died from car crashes didn’t wear their seatbelt. Seatbelts save lives in car accidents, and by wearing one, you’re not only following the law, but you are also showing responsibility and correct behavior.

The next tip is to hold the steering wheel properly. The correct way to hold the steering wheel is by imagining the wheel as a clock and putting your hands in the 3 and 9 hand positions. A large number of people handle the steering wheel wrong and put themselves in potential danger. There are two common ways to incorrectly grip the steering wheel. First are the 10 and 2 hand positions, which is wrong because your hands will be in the way of airbags, and they can sprain or break from the impact of the rapidly expanding airbags. The second method is the 12 hand position, which places one arm on the very top of the steering wheel. This way of handling the steering wheel is extremely dangerous because it will be very difficult to reposition your hands in case of an emergency, and you won’t be able to control your vehicle because of your lagged response. I know plenty of people who hold the steering wheel like this, including both of my parents. It may look cool, but you’ll end up putting yourself and others in danger.

The final tip I have to offer is to remind yourself of something you love. If you remind yourself that there is someone or something that you admire in some sort of way, you will be motivated to stay safe to see them or it again. Things you could remind yourself of include family, friends, pets, personal responsibilities, and many more. By following these three provided tips, you can improve upon yourself by driving safely. Wearing a seatbelt and steering the wheel properly can help prevent crashes and accidents, and reminding yourself of a loved thing can motivate you to stay safe and drive accordingly.