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Drivers Ed Online – Safe Driving Denounced

Name: Rhys lamb
From: Chesapeake, VIRGINIA
Votes: 0

Safe Driving Denounced

Safe Driving Denounced

Driving education is just as important as any kind of standard education, that is why it is required to take a drivers ed course in most high schools, before you can get a license. Although most of the content taught seems like common sense there are some nuances that are in the lessons that are necessary to know in order to be a good driver. These small details can make all the difference when protecting your life and the lives of others on the road. Some of the small details I learned in drivers ed that I think are important, are the general distances you should remain behind other vehicles even when stopped, to be mindful of motorcycles, and the basics of a car’s mechanics. Common courtesy towards other drivers is an excellent way to protect others on the road, it can prevent instances of road rage and just make others happy to hopefully encourage them to drive safely as well.

In some places safe driving is completely ignored one of the main examples that I can think of is Fort Lauderdale, Florida where my brother goes to school. My brother has always been a good driver but after living there for four years he has definitely become more reckless with his driving. He told me a story of when he first moved there that one day while he was driving, he got pulled over, but not for bad driving, he got pulled over because he used his blinker to change lanes. The cop had pulled him over to warn him not to use his blinker because it would encourage others to cut him off which could cause an accident. This flabbergasted me, that good drivers were encouraged by law enforcement to ignore the rules of the road. I feel that if better driving education was taught in such places like Fort Lauderdale the situation would most definitely become much safer for drivers and pedestrians.