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Drivers Ed Online – Drinking Driving Solution

Name: Alexander James Hall
From: Jefferson, ME
Votes: 7

Drinking Driving Solution

To ensure the safety of pedestrians would have to go beyond just telling the general public to be more aware of these issues. Accidents can happen to cyclists, pedestrians and automobiles that malfunction or because of an intoxicated driver. The main two reasons for most accidents is lack of attention to the road and becoming intoxicated by alcohol or recreational drugs. To lower the amount of accidents every year I would suggest a sign and in large cities a specific parking area for people who have become intoxicated or can’t focus while driving. This will give people who need to get off the road an easier time so that way it can save lives. It is more important about saving lives then what people will think of you. I myself have been almost hit 3 times when going for daily walks outside on my road. I have personally felt the edge of a vehicle almost hit me because the driver was intoxicated or doing drugs. Another idea I had was to create more opportunities for people who need help. For example, building a rehab center nearby in communities that don’t have as much money. Auto accidents could be a result of lack of education about the dangers of drinking and driving. The car is not usually at fault for most auto accidents, but the driver is mostly at fault. Installing devices to help people become aware if they are on their phone or notify them with loud sounds to make the driver able to focus on the road. Another idea would be to install a cheap feature that people can put their phones in which would be soundproof and would only open when the car is not in motion. If the car is in motion the notifications won’t disturb the driver’s focus and the car will keep the phone locked in the box until the car comes to a complete stop. Rehab centers should be in more target areas such as poor rural communities which often are the least aware of the dangers of drinking and driving which could overall help stop drunk drivers. My family member got into an accident when she was driving and so this essay will help me advocate for those poor people who ended up injured or dead in an auto accident. Cars should have an option to have cameras in the front and back so if an auto accident happens it will keep track of what caused the accident and help innocent people from being charged with something that wasn’t their fault. The cameras could help record data to see what caused the auto accident more clearly and help courts to find out who the wrongdoer was or find out the problem with the vehicle the driver used. These are some of the solutions I propose to help people who are in a bad situation and will help give them an option to get the help they need.