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Drivers Ed Online – In the drivers seat

Name: Nick Linn
From: Stillwater, Oklahoma
Votes: 0

In the drivers seat

In the Driver’s Seat

  • What is the importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?

Drivers ed is essential in knowing and understanding the rules of the road. Without my drivers ed class I would not as good of a driver as I am now.

  • What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?

It’s hard to say what exactly would reduce the number of deaths because of so many variables which contribute to accidents. Based on my few years of experience every accident would be avoidable if both parties were paying attention at the same time. In todays culture I believe the main culprit of distracted drivers are cellphones. I see people of all ages using their phones while driving and all of them are doing different things. From changing and selecting new songs, to messaging on one of the many platforms or even just making a phone call there are millions of reasons phones are distractions. I’m not sure how to limit or prevent phone usage other than to make it illegal but it can be difficult to know what a driver is or is not doing.

  • Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?

I have never been in an accident myself but have had many close calls. All of which were from the other driver not paying attention at al times. I have also been in the car with friends who are more reckless. Each of those instances I was very uncomfortable as ask the driver to slow down or be more careful.

  • What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?

The biggest steps I’ve taken have been not leaving my parking spot until all seatbelts are on, put a passenger in charge of the music and also programmed my phone to go on “do not disturb” while I am driving. It’s not fool proof but it has helped me stay safe.