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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Being Educated About the Road and Yourself

Name: Catherine Love
From: Cleveland, OH
Votes: 0

The Importance of Being Educated About the Road and Yourself

Drivers ed is extremely important in reducing traffic fatalities. As an older sister of a younger sibling who almost has her license, knowing that she is well educated about the road is comforting. I’ve been able to watch her go from an apprehensive driver who really didn’t know her arm from the gear shift, to overconfident and almost killing me at least twice every car ride. Then finally, she became a responsible and defensive driver who knows how to be safe for everyone’s lives while driving. She never would have been able to get to that point without proper drivers ed. Her classes, in-cars, and family driving hours all helped her see the different angles of driving safely, and how to avoid harming others. Her drivers ed was able to teach her how to see and prevent fatalities.

Some steps that can be generally taken to reduce the number of driving deaths include things like: regularly brushing up on your state laws and policies on driving, checking your attitude, and being well rested before driving. It’s easy to feel like you don’t have to regularly study the driving laws in your state; but being aware of even the smallest things, like updating your insurance card on time can mean the most when an accident has occurred. Checking your mood is also extremely important before driving. Driving while in emotional distress can not only hurt and scare those in the car with you; but, it can also cloud your judgement and cause you to make fatal mistakes. Having a good night’s sleep can change a car ride in the same way. Being tired can make you irritable at the wheel, or you might even accidentally micro nap at the wheel, causing your car to go off road.

I personally have been in a car for two separate deer accidents. For one I was in the backseat, and the other I was driving. I also have a family member who gained a life-long injury from a car crash, causing her femur to burst out of her leg, and she will not be able to run ever again. The fright, injury, and trauma of a car accident is terrible. From my experience, just even a small accident can make an irresponsible driver straighten out and change their attitude on staying focused while on the road.

I can stay educated on my state’s driving laws, check my attitude before driving, and educate my friends and family on how to stay safe while driving. I need to work on being aware of my mental state before driving, I’ve caught myself being angry and irritable while driving, putting myself and others in danger. I need to be more aware of my feelings, sleep level, and I need to know when I shouldn’t drive. I can do the same for others, by offering rides when they are in poor moods or otherwise in a state not fitting to drive in.