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Drivers Ed Online – It only takes one second…

Name: Ivey Rost
From: Mohrsville, PA
Votes: 0

It only takes one second…

Distracted driving is a huge issue in today’s time and I believe it may only get worse if we don’t make changes quickly. Almost everyone nowadays has a cell phone that they take nearly everywhere they go. Of course this can be a good thing. We have access to help in case of an emergency, however the emergency can be caused by such use. As I have been driving a few years now, the habits and actions I have seen in cars next to me or I pass have shocked me. I always hear adults complain about how glued teenagers are to their phones and social media, but more times than not I see adults well over my age using their cell phone when they drive. I find it scary for anyone to use a device or to be distracted while operating a vehicle, but I worry even more when I see older people at the wheel. Sometimes the parent is driving, with their family in the back, and texting. They are not only putting their own lives at risk but their entire family because it couldn’t wait. These also tend to be the cars that can’t stay in their lane or are jerking their wheel every few seconds when they look back up from their phone. 

I took psychology in high school and we had a unit on attention and ability to multitask. Its a proven fact that we can’t do two things fully at a time such as texting and driving. With some attention on your phone, your full attention is not on the road. That can be extremely disastrous if another would cut you off and you couldn’t react in time, an animal runs out in front and you don’t have enough time to brake, or the potential to side swipe someone or throw them or you off the road because you can’t stay in your lane. Some people, especially the younger, who have claimed they grew up with such technology believe they can do both. Unfortunately, I know a few who fit the part. I too, fit this when I first got my license. I took me some time to mature and realize I wasn’t only risking my life, but the life of everyone on the road at the same time. I try over and over to make my boyfriend stop and I worry every time he gets in his car. If we were all able to see its not worth it and the message can wait, the roads would be immensely safer for everyone. 

However, distracted driving doesn’t only entail texting. Being distracted during driving could include eating, doing make up or even having the music too loud. I saw this first hand when my brother dropped something on the floor while driving, went to pick it up, hit a large rock bordering the road, and flipped his car. Fortunately he was okay, but the car was totaled and could’ve hit another unsuspecting driver passing by. Taking your eyes off the road even for a split second can really cause some damage to you, your car, or another unfortunate person. We need to get in the car, get everything set up and put our phones down before we even turn on the engine. With people’s full attention on the road we can have a much safer world.