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Drivers Ed Online – The importance and Responsibility of driving on the road

Name: Lani
From: Las Vegas , Nevada
Votes: 0

The importance and Responsibility of driving on the road

When it comes to driving on the road there are many things to be aware of when and before you start driving, like how busy the traffic is or the weather that could affect the road, but at the end of the day, every single driver should be educated of the importance and responsibility on the road.

The connection between drivers ed and the outcome of it plays a role in vehicle deaths. Taking a drivers ed class is more likely to help people with the understanding of driving and what to know about it; with drivers ed also comes with learning the things the drivers should and should not do along with the outcomes that can occur, being exposed to this type of information can make a new or experienced driver think twice.

In addition to thinking twice about driving, that’s just one of the steps to making drivers better on the road, other steps to reduce deaths could include more strict warnings, for example, speeding. Another fair strict warning could be having a car or license detention until drivers ed is completely taken, for example, a woman is speeding and switching lanes quickly when a cop stops her and requires her to give up her vehicle until she takes a drivers class. In a way this can help prevent people from having more self control when driving and teaching them a lesson at the same time, of course this should be done if this person has done so multiple times.

On a personal note, I myself have been in a small situation with crazy driving. Being young and in a car with my siblings, I’ve had a family member who could drive, but in certain times there have been too much reckless driving, such as speeding, I have never been in a crash, but I can definitely say that being in a car at fast speeds is quite the dangerous feeling that makes you feel a certain way.

In the end I can say that I do not have a lot of experience driving, but when I do I always make sure to look at my surroundings, be cautious of my speed, when cars are coming, and do all necessary responsible acts in the streets, and this above all is what people can do to be a safer driver on the road.