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Drivers Ed Online – Bring Back the Old Ways

Name: Elizabeth Johnson
From: Morgantown, WV
Votes: 0

Bring Back the Old Ways

Bring Back the Old Ways

I am not a traditional college student. Many years ago, when I was in high school, our drivers ed class was a requirement. We were taught how to drive, how to check fluids in the car, how to change tires, and normal vehicle maintenance – all hands on learning. Back then we didn’t have all the technology of today; smart phones, GPS, etc. We didn’t even have XM radio.

Drivers ed is so much different now. It isn’t a required class in high school, but I believe it should be. It doesn’t focus on everything it should – it focuses on learning to drive only. In order to be a truly effective drivers ed course, it must include learning to drive, how to maintain a safe car, awareness of surroundings and other drivers, the importance of not drinking and driving, and the importance of driving without a phone, and that includes no calls and no texting. Even though it’s illegal to use a cell phone while driving, many don’t adhere to that law. Most smartphones have a driving mode, but in order to use that it must be enabled by the user. Many are not going to use that feature. If all of these were covered in drivers ed, the driving-related death rate would most likely decrease.

I have been in the car with others who have used their cell phones, but I always call them out on it. I’ve also witnessed others fail to use proper driving techniques, and I always point that out to them. I always speak out. I have two teenagers who are learning to drive, and I am very strict teaching them safety. I feel that one of the main things to adhere to when driving is to always be aware of surroundings and, of course, no cell phones!