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Drivers Ed Online – Save a Life

Name: Randale Pete
From: Beech island, SC
Votes: 0

Save a Life

Save a Life

Drivers ed is one of the most life-saving things any parent can enroll their child into. This could save their child’s life from a motor vehicle accident. The University of Nebraska’s survey showed “Young drivers who have not completed drivers ed are seventy-five percent more likely to get a traffic ticket, twenty-four percent more likely to be involved in a fatal or injury accident, and sixteen percent more likely to have an accident.” This is why parents need to know how drivers ed is vital for their children’s safety. Drivers ed reduces the number of deaths by educating people to become safer drivers.

In order to reduce the 40,000 number of deaths by motor vehicle crashes, we must have a 360-degree safety mindset. This suggests we must be aware of all 360 degrees of our surroundings. As a driver or passenger, we have the responsibility to insist all passengers to buckle up while the vehicle is in motion. Additionally, anyone under the influence of a substance is impaired. As a driver or passenger, you must be aware of this. This could be a life or death situation. Impaired driving can lead to disastrous consequences behind the wheel of a vehicle. Just in 2016, over ten thousand people died from alcohol-related accidents! Do not let it claim you next.

There are many ways to become safer drivers and help others do the same. First, is always put your phone out of sight and reach while driving. This helps subdue the urge of looking at a phone. Also, encourage others to do the same, it could save anyone’s lives. The next thing you can do is buckle your seatbelt. There were many minor crashes that were fatal because of a seatbelt. The National Highway and Trafic Administration says, “Buckling up is the single most effective thing you can do to protect yourself in a crash.” Will you buckle up?

In summary, drivers ed reduces the number of deaths by educating people to become safer drivers. This is a major issue in America because many people such as my dad have stopped riding motorcycles and small cars. My dad has been in several motorcycle crashes where others accidentally hit him. The last crash was life-threatening and that motivated him to get a large truck instead of another motorcycle. Always be aware of all 306 degrees of your surroundings. You will never know whose life you will be affecting.