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Drivers Ed Online – learn from my mistakes

Name: Erin Pereira
From: Fresno, CA
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learn from my mistakes

The importance of drivers ed is monumental. We need to help educate and make people aware of drivers ed and safety, this will directly correlate with the number of driving related deaths decreasing. If you educate the majority of drivers on driving safety and awareness there will be less accidents and more preventable situations. This will lead to more drivers feeling comfortable and confident while driving. They will have the knowledge on what to do when in these type situations.    

I feel that if we are able to mandate new drivers to be required to take a drivers ed course, we can start taking steps in the correct direction. If we continue to make drivers ed a required course we will get to a point where every driver on the road (legally) will have taken a drivers ed course. In addition, we need to offer refresher courses for drivers once they have been driving for 20+ years then every 10 years so on. Yes this would be a bit of an inconvenience starting off, however I would rather have someone inconvenienced once every 10 years for an hour of their time versus the number of deaths resulting from driving each year increasing. 

Unfortunately I have been in a self caused car accident based on my own judgements and actions which resulted in me driving irresponsibly. This incident has caused me to self reflect deeply, not only did this incident affect me personally but the effect it had on my family and colleagues was just unimaginable. I was a teenage driver, I thought I could handle driving and sending a text message at the same time. This was a horrible thought. I did not see the car in front of me and I was unable to stop in time. I hit the car, Hard. I was injured minorly. I still do not understand how I was not injured more severely but am thankful everyday that the other driver and myself were ultimately fine. However my car was not fine. Insurance paid for repairs on the other car. My car however was not covered, which left me car-less. At the time I was working about 6 miles from my house. Which meant I had to inconvenience my family to take me to and from work. The times they were unable to take me meant I had to contact a coworker to take me. I was very lucky that my accident only cost me my car, a minor set back. I am very aware of what it could have cost me. My Life. I walked away from this accident with a changed perspective. I will never text and drive again. To be honest I don’t even like my phone being in the front seat with me now, I prefer it in my purse in the back seat out of sight out of mind. I tell this story to many youth I work with, hoping and praying they will learn from my mistakes.