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Drivers Ed Online – Drivers Ed Scholarship

Name: Leslie Tellez
From: Berryville, Arkansas
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Drivers Ed Scholarship

The total of deaths due to car accidents have increased tremendously. Personally, I believe that this is due to the change of driver tests. Before, drivers had to take a drivers ed class to learn how park, back up, etc. Now, all one has to do is study a book that explains all the signs, lets you know how long you must wait at a stop sign, and what to do at a stop light. After passing your driver’s test, the person then proceeds to take the driving part of the process. If they pass, they receive their license. In all honestly, the rate of car accidents would decrease if new drivers were trained properly on how to operate a vehicle. To prevent less deaths, drivers, more importantly new young drivers, should be required to take a drivers ed class so they fully understand the consequences and comprehend fully all the laws. That way, drivers would be more considerate when driving instead of being more reckless. Now and days it is more normal to speed, drive while texting, and drink and drive without seatbelt protection. To provide some inside knowledge, I recently was in a horrible accident due to my poor decisions while behind the wheel. This caused me to total my car and although, I was not hurt physically, I am still traumatized whenever I drive next to cement barriers and in the rain. It is easy to speed and slam on the brakes to avoid accidents and master texting and driving, but eventually it can turn into a life changing experience. An accident will forever make someone reflect on their driving and while they are in a vehicle, even if they are not the one driving. One step that could help to become a better and safer driver is to always be cautious of your surroundings. A lot of times, some accidents could be avoided if people were paying more attention to the cars around them. Another step is to not text and drive or use your phone. If you are someone who enjoys listening to music, make a playlist for your drive before driving to avoid having to look for the next song. If you have to reply to a text and it can’t wait pull over instead of getting distracted. Pulling over for a few seconds to reply to someone is a lot more beneficial in the long run then causing an accident. If you are just holding a conversation with someone, let them know you are about to drive so you and the other contact hold off the conversation and you aren’t tempted to reply. A very important step is to avoid driving in bad weather conditions. My accident happened during a storm that for some reason I believed I was good enough of a driver to drive in a thunderstorm. If one can avoid driving in rain or snow, it is highly suggested. If not, take precautions and drive safer and slower than normal.