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Drivers Ed Online – Inside the Mind of a Young Driver.

Name: Meri Weller Hutson
From: Madison, Mississippi
Votes: 3

Inside the Mind of a Young Driver.

Ever since I was a child, I was so excited to get my license. “6 more years,” I thought, “It won’t be that long.” I’ve heard so many lectures over the years from my parents about safe driving, risks, and precautions that one needs to take into serious consideration. From what I have learned, as sad as it is, there are many people who brush off the importance of safe driving. Students, and even some adults, need to understand how they could be at risk if they do not change their ways on the road.

Many people today rely on technology to get the job done. Technology is used for so much including peoples’ work and education. According to Jovan Milenkovic, there are three billion smartphone users in the world right now. On average, people spend around 5.4 hours a day using their phones. The most common cause of road accidents in the United States is by distracted driving. This could mean that a driver is looking at their phone, trying to change the music, or even something as simple as trying to check the time. Though drivers can become distracted for many other reasons, being on the phone is the main cause of distracted driving. The importance of drivers’ education for reducing the number of deaths because of driving can be significantly increased by stricter rules and laws. It seems as if anyone can get their license without much practice because of the lack of attention that the instructor portrays. Some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving could be stricter laws and mandatory driving classes. Evoking an emotional response out of students by telling real stories about real people could help with their viewpoints on distracted driving.

Just a few days ago, my friend told me that she truly feels safe driving with me. I take that compliment with great pride because it helps me understand that my friends and I are very precious cargo. I don’t want to hurt myself or a friend because of my recklessness. Everyone needs to understand that they are putting themselves and the riders in great danger. Even if someone gets to and from their destination safely, doesn’t mean that they and others aren’t at risk from distracted driving. To help others become safer on the road is strictly discipline. It does not matter how close I am to the person who is driving me, I will always make them put their phone down or let me text for them. The lives of the driver, the passengers, and even the people around are all held in the hands of the driver and their responsibility.

In conclusion, the education that many people get for driving seems very unsafe. People need to understand the importance of driving to keep themselves and others safe. So many people have died in car accidents throughout the years, and someone needs to change it, and that someone starts with the driver.