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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Morgan Adams
From: Auburn, Alabama
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers ed

As a teenager, reckless driving is something that is talked about a lot, and sometimes “practiced.” I can recall my drivers ed class terrifying me. The teacher instilled fear in my heart when it came to getting behind the wheel. He explained all of the terrible things that could happen: car accidents, death, and even vehicular manslaughter. This all came full circle when my friends and I started getting our license and some of the things they did scared me to my bones. They were new drivers and so was I, but that didn’t stop some of them from making a few bad decisions. However, I believed that our drivers ed course did stop some of the bad decisions that my fellow drives could have made. The importance of drivers ed is astronomical in keeping teenagers and other drivers safe on the roads. More ways to help decrease the amount of deaths and keep myself and others safe is by increasing education after students get their license. Refresher courses could keep citizens informed about laws and concepts that have changed since they got their license.