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Drivers Ed Online – In your hands

Name: LorenJo Oberle
From: Holyoke, Colorado
Votes: 6

In your hands

What is the first thing you do when you get into your car? Do you find the perfect song to play? Do you adjust the seat or the mirrors? Do you put your seatbelt on? Personally, I always put on my seatbelt on sometimes even before I turn on the car. Deaths from car accidents can happen because of failure to put on a seatbelt. The first step that can be taken to reduce deaths in car accidents includes seatbelts. The next is to minimize or even get rid of all distractions. Distracted driving is one of the highest reasons for car accidents. 

Being educated before you get behind the wheel is very important. You never know when a situation may arise that you have no clue what to do. You need to know the speed limits, so you don’t cause an accident. The faster you go the higher your chances to get into an accident. Knowing the laws can help you know what to do when you come upon an orange triangle that’s on a tractor or who has the right of way on a turn. Drivers ed is important because it has lessened the amount of accidents happening. People now know the way to drive.

I personally have been in a car accident. I was the only one involved in the wreck. The wreck was due to road conditions not reckless driving. I was on a dirt road going to my first day of work. There was a curve in the road that I was taking at the speed limit of 35 MPH. As I went around the corner I tried to speed up when I hit loose gravel. I overcorrected the car and ended up hitting the ditch. My car was going towards a telephone pole, so I tried to turn the wheel to avoid the pole. That decision led to my car flipping over. I’m thankful for that morning before I turned my car on to leave and put on my seatbelt. I walked away with a scratch, minor concussion, and back issues. That role could have been far worse if I hadn’t had on my seatbelt. 

There are many steps I as well as everyone else can take to become a safer driver. Put down the phone, even if it is just to change the song, don’t let others distract you, keep your eyes on the road, and go the speed limit if weather provides. Everyone can share their experiences with one another and try to find ways to be safer if that happens to themselves. Remember, whenever you get behind the wheel your life and the lives others are in your hands.