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Drivers Ed Online – Driving and Risk Taking

Name: Abigail Cousins
From: Dundee, Scotland
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Driving and Risk Taking

Driving and Risk-taking

On 31st August 1997, an international icon’s life came to a tragic end. The previous evening, Princess Diana got in to a car, rushing to get away from the paparazzi hounding her. She didn’t put on her seatbelt. Something that most of us have done before, or have at least known someone to do. But this seemingly small, ordinary action proved to be disastrous for her – when the car crashed, she wasn’t protected from the impact, and so that morning was her last. She didn’t get to see her friends again, or help people with her charity work, or even see her sons get married. Though nobody can say for sure, she might be alive today had she not taken the risk of not wearing her seatbelt. A risk that we all decide whether or not to take every time we get into a car.

Though, there are always risks to be taken when driving. At the moment, I am preparing to sit my driving test. I love driving. In itself, it is really enjoyable and I find it makes everyday journeys so much easier. However, I find going on to large roundabouts to be a nightmare– all the fast traffic, a seemingly endless stream of vehicles. So, the first time I went to drive on one with my driving instructor, I was terrified. I waited and waited, not wanting to get into a crash. However, my driving instructor pointed out when the traffic was getting lighter, and when the other cars made it safe. His instruction helped me to see when it was sensible to take a risk, and when not to.

Risk taking is an integral part of driving. Getting in to a car for the first time can feel daunting for the very reason that we all know the danger associated with it, but we do so because we also know the benefits of it – freedom, independence and practicality. But people, in particular young people, have a tendency to take too many risks. When to, and not to, take them is an important skill to learn. Just like all skills though, this can be taught and is therefore an important part of both learning to drive and driving once you have passed your test.

When we wake up in the morning, we are taking a risk. We could fall down the stairs, or get a shock from our phones, or even spill our breakfast on our lap. Though, we all make decisions, and it is important for us to learn, and to take heed, of how to make the most sensible decisions possible. They can both impact us and those around us. Risk taking is part of life. Even not taking a risk is a risk itself. So, with the right guidance, everyone can learn when to take risks. Sensible risks.