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Drivers Ed Online – It’s better to be aware and prepared

Name: Crystal Menzie
From: Orlando, Florida
Votes: 2

It’s better to be aware and prepared

Being a safe and educated driver is crucial in this day and age because you have to not only be aware of your safety as a driver but the safety of pedestrians as well. Nowadays road accidents are as common as one may think which makes it important to know the rules and guidelines when it comes to driving because knowing these rules and guidelines can help prevent accidents and reduce death rates as well. Driving comes with great responsibility, as you have to think about yourself and other motorists and pedestrians as well.

There is a lot of importance when it comes to drivers ed because not everyone abides by the rules but if educated the right way accidents on the road can be reduced tremendously. Starting with teens and adults who take drivers ed seriously would be less likely to be involved in a car accident versus someone who hasn’t been educated on the rules and regulations of driving. Obeying traffic laws, avoiding any distractions whether it’s being on your phone while driving or eating while driving and also prevent drinking and driving at all costs because you are not only putting yourself in danger but you are putting others in danger as well.

I have not personally experienced being in a car accident but my best friend and her mother almost lost their lives due to an intoxicated driver that was driving recklessly at nighttime. It is very important as a driver to take safety measures such as making sure that you are sober while driving and make sure you are focused and paying attention to your surroundings. Secondly, follow the speed limit as consequences driving higher than the speed limit are as similar as driving slower than the speed limit. This helps to reduce not only the avoidance of collision but also reducing the amount of fuel that is going into the atmosphere as speeding can affect the environment with pollution from the fuels.

In conclusion, taking the initiative to educate oneself on the rules and regulations of driving is crucial as we are not perfect but taking the steps to do the right thing while driving is all a person needs to be a good driver. Being focused and staying alert is the first step of being a good driver and educating others can truly make an impact especially on the younger and upcoming drivers.