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Drivers Ed Online – Connecting Driving Dangers to New Generations

Name: Hope Parker
From: Denton, Texas
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Connecting Driving Dangers to New Generations

Hope Parker

The importance of drivers ed cannot quite be fully expressed. Having drivers that are properly educated can minimize the amount of deaths as a result of driving exponentially. Drivers being fully aware of their own vehicles, vehicles around them and the laws of the road allows everyone on the road to drive with more peace of mind. Steps to reduce the number of deaths related to driving would be retesting drivers every 5 or 10 years after they have first been licensed. The reason this could be a good step to reducing the number of driving related deaths is because it keeps drivers updated on any law changes and even if there has not been changes it is a good refresher for people to have. I know many people who are unaware of even simple road laws that would benefit from periodic retesting. Being a millennial, I have experienced irresponsible driving since before I reached driving age. Being part of a generation that has had full access to smart phones in the palm of our hands even before being licensed, it is far too common for people to be on their phones while driving. My freshman year of high school I was on the varsity volleyball team and our recently graduated manager was driving to the school to get on the bus for a game and because she was speeding and texting she lost control of her truck. Unfortunately, this accident resulted in her untimely death. This impacted me to my core and since then I had told myself I would never text and drive and I would do anything in my power to never have to experience the loss of a friend to a car accident again. I can help others drive intelligently and responsibly by asking them not to be on their phone while they drive especially while I’m in the car with them. I can offer rides or ride app services to people who have drank alcohol and are trying to drive home. I can also use my social media to help spread awareness of the true dangers of distracted and unsafe driving because they are not victimless crimes. Not every accident kills the driver, it could be a friend or even a stranger that loses their lives or their quality of life do to irresponsible driving. Expressing the seriousness of these issues on social media is a way to really reach out a touch the newer generations that are now dominating the roadways today.