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Drivers Ed Online – Driver Education Awareness

Name: Bunny Lynn Furr
From: Russellville, AR
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Drivers ed Awareness

Drivers ed

Bunny Furr


Educating drivers, of all ages, I feel will be an ongoing need. Of course, we that have been driving for many years, feel as if we are “the best” drivers. But what we fail to realize is simply that as usual, when you do something over and over, within time you are going to become “lazy”. I say that to mean that we may tend to overlook things or not pay as much attention to things that we should. Some examples are other drivers, weather related issues, or even just your own mishaps. No matter what, it is always good to be refreshed on the issues that are among as while driving.

It is important to advise us all the risk while driving, so that we can be more cautious and aware. Not only for ourselves, but as well for others. I think that there are even instances that arise, that we never even mildly prepare ourselves for. A lot of times people assume since they are a safe driver, that they will never get into an accident. But let us not forget that often enough, it is others that cause the accident. That goes both ways. Whichever the case is, if we are taught of all levels and reasons for car accidents and deaths, then that alone makes us more observant.

There are many things that could take place in order to reduce the number of deaths while driving. The obvious (but obviously, not so obvious to some) is to not use your phone while driving. It has been known time after time, no matter if you think just a quick glance down won’t hurt anything, then BAM, you’ve ran into someone or something. I honestly think that there should be a mandatory switch off on phones, while driving. Even if you are just a passenger and not the driver. We today find ourselves being more glued to electronics, and less in real conversation with one another. If by chance you need to use your phone, then once you are not moving for at least 5 minutes, then the phone will come back on. I know that seems weird the way I am saying it, but it sounds good in my head. Another option would be to always ensure you are buckled up. Even if just to drive a couple blocks. Sometimes the worst accidents happen so close to home. Another is the obvious, not driving while impaired. Whether it be alcohol or drugs, never get behind the wheel and risk your life or others. I will have to as well say that if you are overworked and tired, that it is not safe to get behind the wheel. I have had classmates that have died in accidents due to them being so tired that they drifted off while driving.

I was in an accident when I was younger, that involved my brother driving. He was at the age of wanting to cruise the strip and be cool. My friend and I were with him, but we were supposed to be going from point A to point B. He decided to make a few laps through town, and I remember he kept messing with the radio. Well, sure enough at one moment he looked down to change the radio station and wasn’t being aware of the fact he was coming up behind another car. We rear ended a car and my friend and I were slammed against the back of the front seats. We were not hurt thankfully, just shaken up. Another accident was I was in was my ex driving with my mother and I in the truck. He decided that he wanted to goof off while driving and proceeded to jerk the wheel back and forth. I ask him to stop before we lost control because we were driving on a donut. At one point I went to slap his hand and when I did, he jerked the wheel so hard that we lost control. We went into oncoming traffic and some how managed to miss and went in between two 18 wheelers. We then hit a power line which broke in half, ran through a cattle fence, and then hit a tree. Once more, thankfully we weren’t hurt. But from each of those experiences, I have remembered not to play with the radio and not to play around while driving.

We must always remember that when on the road, you not only risk your life, but those of others as well. I often think of how many innocent lives have been taken due to accidents caused by others. I never want that on my conscious. I do have a friend that had an experience like that. He was young and driving erratically and ending up hitting a car. That car included a child, in which the child was killed. There is always a consequence to every action we choose to take that involves accidents. It all comes down to respect.

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