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Drivers Ed Online – Your Move: Life or Death

Name: Julissa Laignelet
From: North Bergen , New Jersey
Votes: 3

Your Move: Life or Death

Life can be remarkable and complicated, all at the same time. Living is like being on the road with access to many exits that may lead to heartbreak, failure, and disappointment, but also success, happiness, and appreciation. Yet, as you get older, you gain more appreciation for life. You start to realize that you must safely enjoy life, yet when you are young, you think you are invincible. Living in an average-sized town has allowed me to notice how the younger generation believe that they are invincible, thinking that if they play with fire and death that nothing will happen to them. You get lucky so many times. The ability to drive is a privilege that many take for granted. It has become so common for someone to gain a driver’s license that nobody blinks an eye. But, most don’t notice how it is a privilege that can be lethal. Getting a license makes the driver believe that since they passed the test, nothing will hurt them on the road, but yet, it is far from the truth. Some drivers see streets or highways as a racing track; others who think that the rules don’t apply to them. One wrong move in the car can cost the life of drivers and passengers. But yet, not all drivers have the blame for car accidents. The passengers have to understand that they should not distract the driver or move the gear without the driver’s permission. Everybody that steps a foot in a car should take the responsibility of cooperating to make the ride and road as safe as possible.

As a young woman of just eighteen years, I admit that I was scared of driving at first. Often, I would hear stories of car crashes or see car wrecks on the road that would make me feel anxious to drive. As a child, I felt that if I was in a car, I had the responsibility of being alert like a bird, always on the lookout. I was afraid that if I wasn’t paying attention that my life and of the others would flash away. Yet, once I passed my permit test, passed driving school, and obtained my license, I felt like I was on top of the world. I trusted myself to be one of the many safe drivers on the road. But as I grabbed the car more frequently, I noticed how my friends would take their privilege. I would see people putting on their Snapchat videos of them zooming on the road with loud music, barely keeping their eyes on the road. These videos made it evident that we have to educate ourselves to have safer streets and highways in our future if we all pitch in. The younger that you start to implement in the heads of children that driving safely is essential and shouldn’t be taken advantage of, the safer they will drive. I promise to myself and those around me to not take advantage of the wheel. I will always educate myself on how to be a safer driver. You can never learn too much about how to be safe for others and yourself. I will maintain the control wheel, not stray my eyes away from the road, and to control my emotions. No matter what the situation is, I will always be calm and confident in my skills to provide a safe environment for those around me.

We all should take the responsibility to make the roads safer. We should never underestimate our lives and of others. We all have one thing in common: the right to live happily and safely. It all comes down to your move: life or death.