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Drivers Ed Online – Car accident killed my best friend

Name: Maven Zamacona
From: St. Louis, Missouri
Votes: 0

Car accident killed my best friend

The Minute my Life Changed

Drivers ed is offered in schools so that 16 year olds can be aware and understand how to drive properly when they are handed the keys to their or their parents brand new vehicles. I think drivers ed is an important course in high school because oftentimes people ages 16-21 are the ones who are involved in motor vehicle accidents. High schoolers are able to take these courses, and it limits the deaths on the road because drivers are educated in safe driving and what to do or not to do when they are driving.

Personally, when I was 15 years old I was involved in a motor vehicle accident where my best friend died on impact. One of my best friends, who had just turned 16, and had not taken drivers ed yet was driving us down a gravel road. I’m not exactly sure what happened specifically, but I remember waking up to the passenger side of the truck thrown and smashed against a tree. My side of the car. I looked up and the driver was standing beside me shouting at me. I told her to run and call 911 because none of our phones were in sight. When she left, I tried to get my friend to wake up beside me, but she wasn’t responding. She had blood running down her head and when I woke up in the hospital, I looked down at my hands and her blood was just caked under my fingernails. I dislocated my hip that day and spent 8 months in a wheelchair. We lost my best friend and buried her just a few days after the accident. The driver went on to receive 2 years probation and a fine.

Due to the trauma I received from that, I am very safe when I drive. I try to be extra cautious and make sure that I am following all of the laws. I also am hyper aware of other cars on the road too. I make sure I do not get distracted with loud music or cell phones, because I cannot go through that again.