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Drivers Ed Online – Drive Safe and Share the Road

Name: Alissa Hayes
From: Poughkeepsie, New York
Votes: 0

Drive Safe and Share the Road

When turning 16, there is a new buzz to life because an entirely new phase of life opens up. Driving begins, and a vital step on this journey is drivers ed. Many might push it off as unimportant and something to sleep through but in reality without it, the roads become quite deadly.

In the year 2019, roughly 38,800 deaths occurred due to car accidents and out of that number about 10,000 drivers were under the influence while behind the wheel. Now if that number isnt astonishing enough, think about all the lives that were put in serious danger totaling about 4.4 million people in just one year. Just one year. Put into perspective, sharks are less deadly with an average of 82 deaths a year and 64 totaled in 2019. The take away from this should be to acknowledge the importance of safe driving and the education that follows it. Without a proper recognition for the rules of the road new drivers are a danger to themselves and the people around them.

One of the biggest known dangers to drivers is driving under the influence. As a new driver it is a responsibility to keep in mind that no matter how sober you feel after a few drinks, it is unsafe to drive. Not only are drivers putting themselves at risk, they are putting everyone that they share the road with at risk as well. Personally speaking my father used to work late as a mechanic, and one evening as he was heading out to his car, a drunk driver was fooling around in the parking lot. The driver was not only under the influence but operating a large vehicle and he hit my father. He survived, but now has long lasting medical issues. He was put out of work and my family was in turmoil. So the next time you consider driving or getting in the car with someone under the influence, think about how your family would feel if you didnt make it home. Call a cab, have a plan, designate a driver; do everything in your power to stay safe and responsible.

The last and most significant flaw with new drivers that did not take drivers ed seriously would be generally irresponsible driving. “Small” things such as speeding, loud/ obnoxious accessories, and road rage can put drivers at risk. But these things also extend to experienced drivers as well that suffer from irresponsible driving habits, which often lead to accidents that can be fatal. In order to be safer on the road, review the rules and learn to be a calmer driver. Be safer for yourself and other drivers.

Safe and defensive driving is taught in various drivers ed courses and it’s importance should not be discounted. By learning methods of safe and responsible driving you are saving lives. Becoming a driver is a responsibility and a privilege. Listen carefully to the rules and make safe choices.