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Drivers Ed Online – Importance Of Driver’s Education

Name: Tyler S Ince-Ingram
From: Orlando, Florida
Votes: 0

Importance Of Drivers Ed

Approximately 36,650 people were killed in traffic crashes in 2018 and in 2019 it has gone down to approximately 36,120. Although, the numbers have diminished slightly, that is still a good portion of people dying to a lack of drivers ed and not taking the necessary precautions when driving safely on the road. Educating the younger population will ensure that the future drivers on the road will make safer and more educated decisions. Personally, I have had a family member and friend get into a car accident due to other people driving irresponsibly and by themselves driving irresponsibly. My brother was in a car wearing no seatbelt and going past the speed limit on a local road and was later unable to maintain control of his vehicle and crashed, luckily he did not suffer major injuries and made it out safely. However, if he were being more cognizant of the road and making sure he was practicing safe driving, he would’ve managed to make it to where he was going safely. Furthermore, my friend was rear ended by another driver who was not paying attention to the traffic light and hit my friend’s vehicle and caused major damage. As they look back on their incidents, they wish they took drivers ed more seriously and others took drivers ed seriously. In order to begin reducing the number of driver-related deaths in the world, we need to set drivers ed as a priority and implement a system that is also focused on ensuring that driver’s understand that they are not only driving for themselves, but for the people around them. By making sure that I obey the traffic laws and understand the importance of my actions when I’m on the road, I can begin to alleviate the death toll facing our society significantly and start to change our world for the better.