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Drivers Ed Online – Driver’s Education: Why Is It So Important?

Name: Selina Kessey
From: Odessa, TX
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed: Why Is It So Important?

Selina Kessey

July 3, 2020

Drivers Ed: Why Is It So Important?

Ever since I’ve started driving, I’ve found it important to pay attention to the little things that make a big difference in keeping me safe. Taking a drivers ed class has benefited me in many ways, helping me to become a more proficient driver. Why do I bring this up you ask? I bring up this topic to address the importance of drivers ed, as well as why I find it relevant in today’s time.

Drivers ed plays a big role in helping to reduce the number of deaths on the road. This is due to the fact that drivers ed helps teenagers or even adults to develop fundamental vehicle control as well as traffic maneuvers. Students learn how to safely operate the vehicle while on the road in order to protect themselves as well as other drivers, and even pedestrians. Young drivers who fail to complete drivers ed are more likely to be stopped by police personnel and possibly receive a ticket. More than 24 percent of drivers have a high risk chance of being involved in some sort of car accident, which could possibly lead to a fatal injury. Car accidents tend to be the number one cause of death in everyday life. Personally, I find this to be an issue that can be resolved.

One step of action that can be taken in order to prevent car related deaths is the use of a seatbelt. 1 in every 7 people don’t wear a seatbelt while driving, which not only includes the driver, but other passengers as well. Seatbelts play a huge role in keeping us safe on the road in case of any sudden impact. Seat Belts were made for our protection, hence why I believe it is so important that they are worn. Another provision would be to avoid distractions. Nowadays, many drivers are distracted by many things at once while on the road. It could be children in the back, loud music, eating, or whatever the case may be. It’s important to drive with a clear mind and with your eyes focused on the road ahead of you. Cell phones play a big role in this aspect since now more than ever, people rely on technology to communicate, as well as navigate through unknown places. When it comes to experiences I’ve had in the past, I can say that I’m quite blessed to have never been involved in any car related injury or accident. With that being said, I have had many experiences with family members who are distracted drivers, who I don’t feel safe driving with.

In closing, the steps I can take to become a better driver on the road is to stay focused, stay alert, wear my seatbelt, and also be aware of my surroundings while driving. This means looking for pedestrians as well as incoming cars before making a turn. I believe if I follow these simple steps, I believe I will have a lifetime of safe driving in the future.