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Drivers Ed Online – What is the importance of drivers ed

Name: Sarah Trimnell
From: Beltsville, Maryland
Votes: 0

What is the importance of drivers ed

What is the importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving? What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving? Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly? What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?

In the U.S 222 million people drive and have their license. Driving provides transportation without having to take the bus,train,bike or walking. It can help you get to certain places in a timely manner. People like having the luxury of a car because it gives them independence. Being behind the wheel and going places when and wherever you want gives people freedom. Even though there are many pros to having a car there are cons too. According to “34,000 thousand people die every year due to driving”. Distracted drivers are the number one cause of car crashes. Multi-tasking is a horrible idea when it comes to driving. People get distracted with their phones,food,makeup (grooming themselves) etc.

This is why we need drivers ed. According to “Young drivers who have not completed driving school are 24% more likely to get in a fatal car crash or injury”. Drivers ed is important because it teaches students road safety and driving skills. It teaches students what to do in case of obstacles you may face on the road and how to avoid them. In drivers ed they also teach students what not to do when driving to avoid any car crashes. Steps drivers can take to reduce the number of deaths is avoiding distractions while on the road, don’t consume alcohol or any type of drugs when driving. This can affect your ability to drive and increase your chances of getting into a car accident. Watch the speed in which you are driving. Always wear a seatbelt when driving and be cautious of your surroundings. For me personally I would include driving the right car.

One of my sisters got in a really bad car crash in 2018. While she was driving on the freeway she got distracted and hit a curb. Her car had flipped over and she was hanging upside down from the driver’s seat. One family had stopped to see if she was ok and let my sister stay in their car till we came. We took her to the hospital. We stayed there for a while just so the doctors could make sure there were no injuries from this crash. It was a miracle that she wasn’t hurt at all. I stayed with her and she told me everything that happened. Today my family and I are very thankful that she did not get hurt and that she could come home in one piece.

It is very important that when you are driving you focus is on the road. If you have to take an important call, park somewhere to take it. Leave your phone alone when you drive/stay clear from all distractions. Wearing your seatbelt, maintaining a good car, Being mindful of crazy people on the road and pedestrians. Staying in the speed limit are all steps you can take to become a better and safer driver on the road.