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Drivers Ed Online – Small Choice, Big Price

Name: Ethan Averett
From: Springville, Utah
Votes: 0

Small Choice, Big Price

It is my experience that drivers ed is essential in increasing the safety of our roads. Driving is a privilege that comes with great responsibility. I was very young when I first realized the potential damage that can be caused by irresponsible driving. My aunt was mildly injured in an auto pedestrian accident. In another event, I was in the car with a friend and his family when we were in an accident turning onto a highway. Fortunately, in neither case was anyone severely injured. Both experiences showed me that even well experienced, educated drivers can’t avoid all accidents, but they can mitigate many of the more dire consequences of those accidents. Many good measures have been put in place to ensure drivers obey the laws, are aware of their surroundings, and are respectful to others on the road. Here’s one more I hope to see in the future. I propose that all new drivers, not just minors, be required to pass a drivers ed course before obtaining a driver’s license. Formal training gives thousands of young people needed driving experience in a controlled environment while informing them of traffic laws and procedures. This education helps them make decisions later that will save lives. Why wouldn’t we want everyone on the road prepared that way? I’m not a perfect driver, but I have learned to watch for my mistakes and correct them. I have also learned how to signal to other drivers in my family when they need correction. It’s a small choice to slow down, or buckle up, or look both ways, but it might just save lives.