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Drivers Ed Online – The importance of driver education and its value to Generation Z drivers

Name: Jillian Dombroski
From: Arlington Heights, IL
Votes: 0

The importance of drivers ed and its value to Generation Z drivers

Drivers ed has been proven to reduce car accidents and convictions, improve scores on the driving exam, and lead to increased long term knowledge about driving, according to AAA, yet only 32 states require it. One of the most impactful steps to reduce dangerous situations on the road is to ensure that every new driver is a safe driver, by implementing drivers ed requirements in those states which have none, and strengthening the requirements in many other states. A major flaw in drivers ed systems is that in many states, drivers ed is only required for teens ages 14 to 18 before they can get their driver’s license. Young people’s brains are known to still be developing until age 25. This leaves those drivers who are still young enough to make frequent mistakes in decision making without the drivers ed which will familiarize them with various situations and prevent the danger that comes from the risky behavior of a young adult combined with the inexperience of any new driver.

Beyond expanding drivers ed requirements, the way in which we teach these classes should be frequently adjusted to appeal to and fit the needs and values of these young drivers. Currently, any person that would be taking required drivers ed for teenagers now or in the near future is part of Generation Z. Like every other generation before and after Gen Z, the group shares a number of values and morals different from other generations. Using these is critical to ensuring that drivers ed has the largest possible impact on those who participate in it. Studies have shown that Gen Z individuals value experiences over material objects, and therefore have a tendency to be excited by the freedom gained by self-transportation. Therefore, there will be a large proportion who will be on the roads as soon as possible, creating a greater importance of educating them on the danger that comes with this freedom.

Generation Z has proven to be the most informed, liberal, ethical, and empathetic generation yet, and therefore is constantly driven by these traits to promote change wherever necessary. We already know that today’s teens want cars that will do good for society, including used cars, cars that are better for the environment, and self driving cars that take the dangerous unpredictability of human decision making and distraction out of driving. By adjusting the format of drivers ed to play into these same motivations, (for example, by emphasizing the importance of safe driving for the good of the community, and revealing the high levels of unsafe driving by others), drivers ed classes will have a greater impact on young drivers. It is very possible that for each small change in drivers ed methods, there will be a group of young changemakers striving to make the world a safer place by reducing automobile accident deaths, who will understand that the cost of widespread dangerous driving is much higher than the funds it would take to change.