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Drivers Ed Online – Accidents Cause Mental Scars

Name: Haven Wagner
From: Salem, Oregon
Votes: 0

Accidents Cause Mental Scars

Haven Wagner

Personally being involved in an accident and taking drivers ed opened my eyes to the importance of watching your surroundings, even when you have the right of way. Awareness, such as staying off our phones and any other electronics, as well as watching both vehicles and pedestrians around us closely can help save lives, such as the man’s life from the accident I was involved in.

I was sitting right behind the bus driver. We had a green light when a blue truck perpendicular from us ran their red light and t-boned the bus. The driver of the truck was dead by the time the medics came and my bus driver was bloody from hitting her head on the side window and steering wheel. Before she was taken off by the medics she turned to us and told us everything was okay, but how was I supposed to believe that when my head hurt from hitting the seat, my bus driver had blood on her face and hands, and other students were taken to the hospital for their necks. I wonder why I can’t remember anything from the years around the accident, however I believe it was due to the accident as I had gotten a huge bump on my forehead and probably a concussion.

Since the accident I have a dislike for buses and driving in general, however it is a major part of getting around these days, therefore I took drivers ed. Thinking back I thought that both the accident, watching videos from drivers ed and seeing both my parents almost crash while I was a passenger, due to electronics, would stop me from doing the same things as them, however everyone is guilty of it in some way. Physically typing my story out and thinking about how I have watched others put me in danger, and that I have put others in danger has reminded me to step up my game. Personally I need to restrict myself from distractions, such as electronics and having a talk with my siblings about the dangers of distractions, such as them screaming, fighting and moving about when i’m driving. I also should be more aware about how I feel and whether I’m being safe enough to drive. I’ve gone out driving when I was tired and a little dizzy, even though I knew I shouldn’t have. Lastly when I drive I need to continue my awareness for other drivers and pedestrians, and if not maybe even better myself to check more than once before switching lanes or turning. Not only will these help myself to stay safe but sharing these ideas and my story with others may encourage them to do the same and hopefully by doing these safety actions while driving, my siblings may follow my example.