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Drivers Ed Online – Driving with Safety

Name: Nicki Sum
From: Fort Worth, Texas
Votes: 0

Driving with Safety

  • Have you ever had an experience of being in a car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?

  • What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?

Every person has the dream to travel on their own accord when growing up and cars help ensure that freedom. But with the great power of getting from one place to another, there comes with the power of decision making and great responsibilities to help guarantee your safety and the safety of those around you.

Learning the importance of drivers ed is important in decreasing the number of deaths since when you learn more about the topic, the more educated and aware you will be when you are on the road, especially when the driver is new. When you get used to something, it’s tempting to pay less attention to the things around you, and it’s what causes the most experienced drivers to get involved in car accidents. Knowing more about road etiquette is one thing but following them is the most important part when navigating the road. You need to make sure you know what you are doing before you carry out actions because not doing it without insight can have grave consequences.

Safety is crucial, that’s why it is important for a person that’s driving to use what has been provided with the car to signal what they are planning to do as drivers such as using hand gestures and directional signals to help guide others around you, keeping your phone away to prevent distractions, and following rules when you are on the road. They might be minor changes but they will definitely help reduce the number of deaths when it comes to driving. Cell phones are a big factor that causes car crashes. I think a step that cell phone companies can add to prevent people from using their phones is making the user solve a puzzle instead of having a button that confirms whether or not they are driving because people can easily lie and say they aren’t, making the attempt futile.

I have not been in a driving accident myself as I am overly cautious but I have heard stories and have friends who have. Even when you aren’t directly involved, it can have devastating effects on those who are affected whether it’s through medical bills, car insurance, or even taking their life. It also affects those who are friends and family of those who are in the crash. One of my friend’s older sisters was hit by a drunk driver and passed away, leaving a big impact on him.

Steps that I, as a driver, can take in order to help both myself and those around me are knowing how to read the signs in order to determine what I am supposed to do, looking ahead to calculate the turns I am going to make in the future, and driving within speed limits so I will have the time to pay attention in case of other irresponsible drivers. Helping others become more aware as to what happens if one doesn’t follow the rules on the road can also help decrease the number of accidents.