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Drivers Ed Online – Driving role model

Name: Paul Yang
From: San Dimas, CA
Votes: 0

Driving role model

Obviously, if everyone knew how to drive safely it would help prevent damages and injuries, so if everyone knew how to apply these rules and execute them then it is clear that vehicle-related injuries would go down. However, this is not the case, in most instances, vehicle-related incidents are due to accidents or reckless endangerment. While I understand the accidents do happen and are hard to prevent in most cases reckless endangerment is something that is completely avoidable. Reckless actions such as driving under the influence or driving over the speed limit is a blatant disregard of the rules placed to protect yourself and others on the roads. Personally, I have been in an accident while making a turn another car in the next lane rear-ended me and speed off. Thankfully at the time, I was a student driver with my driving instructor and he was able to notice the car behind us and was able to move our car mostly out of the way resulting in use walking away with only a minor dent in the back of the car. While thankfully nobody was hurt and the car did not sustain any major damage I feel that the other driver should have stayed if not to exchange insurance information at least to assure that nobody was hurt or in need of major medical attention. Over the year I have observed the other cars on the road and my family drive and I have noticed that they bend the rules or disregard ones that they do not think are important. For example, where I am from nobody comes to a complete stop at stop signs instead they do something that my driving instructor called a California rolling stop. Due to witnessing this over the years when I started drivers school, I thought this was a safe and normal thing, however, my driving instructor corrected me and said that I needed to come to a complete stop and wait for five seconds. I believe that its actions like this that result in accidents because the impression that these drivers give to others could cause them to think this is perfectly legal or they might think that if that rule is not worth abiding by what use is it to abide by the other rules. I feel by enforcing the importance of these rules would help others understand their importance and purpose, and by doing so it can encourage safer driving habits and set a better example. I for one intend to abide by all traffic laws and set a good example for the people around me.