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Drivers Ed Online – One For All

Name: Henry Bartels
From: Burlington, Vermont
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One For All

One For All

Henry Bartels

Drivers ed is important in reducing the number of road deaths because it informs people of the choices they can make on the road as well as the precautions they can take to make sure that no one gets hurt. Drivers ed teaches the fundamentals of safe driving practices and important procedures that drivers need to take in order to keep themselves and others safe. Certain courses can specialize in the emphasis of safety, instructing drivers on the safety features of a car and what they do. For example, a common fault of accidents is a lack of blind spot awareness. It is important to teach drivers what a blind spot is and how to manage it when turning or changing lanes. I, for one, have trouble changing lanes because I cannot gain a full view of what is behind me. So for me, it is important that I learn how to manage blind spots so I can protect myself, my passengers, and other people on the road. Another huge topic that needs to be stressed during drivers ed is alcohol. It is important to educate drivers on the power of alcohol to impair driving ability. This topic is super important to me because I have lost a friend to a drunk driver, and I believe that it should be one of the most important topics covered in order to make sure drivers are not putting themselves or others in danger by drinking and driving.

To emphasize the dangers of drinking and driving, I believe that drivers ed should further touch on this subject. Law enforcement should give harsher consequences for those who are hazardous on the road, especially drunk drivers. It may be punishment or it may be education and rehabilitation, but nevertheless, it should let irresponsible drivers know that it is unwise to do things on the road that put themselves or others in danger. Also, another approach could be through more widespread public knowledge to inform drivers on how to stay safe. Commercials, public broadcasts, speeches by officials, or newspaper columns would be a great way to expand the reach of drivers ed as well as the policies that are put in place to make sure that people stay safe.

From what I have experienced as a driver, passenger, and onlooker, the best thing I can do is to vow to make smart decisions before and during my driving. I want to make sure that I am in a condition to drive, and when I am driving, I want to make sure that I am always checking for hazards, signs, and other cars. A group is only as strong as its weakest link, so it is up to me to make sure I am being as safe as I can while also making sure that drivers I know are doing their best to be safe as well.