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Drivers Ed Online – Caution! New Driver Alert!

Name: Angel White
From: Denton, TX
Votes: 0

Caution! New Driver Alert!

Caution! New Driver Alert!

Legal. Legal is the first thing that came to mind when I first got into drivers ed. I was so excited about the idea of me going to classes with my best friend, doing drive times, getting my license, and just being on the road all the time. I thought having my license made me feel more independent. But being in drivers ed changed my aspect on drivers etiquette.

In this class you learn so much about death and fatality from people who’ve made mistakes or didn’t think of the consequences of being cautious. You learn about topics such as drinking and driving, distracted driving, and reckless driving. After my drivers ed was complete, I promised I wouldn’t text and drive behind the wheel. Seeing these things make you appreciate that you’re getting the opportunity to learn about these things and that these laws are being made only to keep adults, including the young ones safe. Drivers ed gives young kids the perspective of people that have been involved in tragic accidents and shares their regret of what they wish they would’ve done. Studying my DMV handbook made me more informative on driving procedures. To be able to reduce the amount of deaths, you have to be able to learn the concept of responsible driving such as: being content and attentive to other drivers on the road. Being capable of driving responsible, also involves being mentally and physically ready. Being physically ready involves operating the car correctly. While being mentally prepared involves making the right judgement and reacting to a situation appropriately.

When I was a toddler, I got into a scary accident with my grandmother and great grandmother. As a child, you don’t really pay much attention to what happened or what everything means, but as I got older, I continued to think about our experience and thank God that we’re alive today. Driving to school, if I ever see any of my peers driving recklessly, I tend to become “the mother” letting them know right from wrong on speeding and how reckless driving can lead to the endangerment of others. Being a better and safer driver means really being considerate of everyone else, whether you have passengers in the car or not. Driving on the road while inexperienced is a horrible decision because you’re endangering your life and others around you. Not only can you cause accidents, it’s illegal and can lead to consequences.

Attending drivers ed helps you make smart decisions on what to do in certain situations. So before you head out on that road, try practicing in an empty parking lot with adult supervision. You can contribute and reduce the numbers of deaths by: stopping at red lights, looking both ways, watch for pedestrians, check blindspots when maneuvering on freeways or roads, and stay at the speed limit. Every life matters, so it’s best to be observant to others while having fun to a certain extent.