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Drivers Ed Online – Text messaging and drive

Name: Mahnoor Rafiq
From: Waterbury, Connecticut
Votes: 0

Text messaging and drive

Some people drive as amuse, and some people consider driving seriously. The wide ranges of activities of text messaging and drive have become overwhelming in the environment today. People really demand to understand how easy it is to take the life of someone else, or even themselves. Almost 75 percent of people I know don’t drive seriously. But to me, driving is very serious because of a young cousin’s death that left my entire family miserable. After that incident when I had driving licenses my parents taught me that “driving a vehicle is the second name of the death chair If a driver doesn’t take it seriously, it could even take life or leave with serious injuries” basically what they meant was that even the smallest mistake can be fatal while driving.

On 7 August 2014, it was my cousin’s 18th birthday, everybody was so happy with my family and we were celebrating her birthday. Everything was wonderful until my cousin’s friends took us for a long drive. An hour later we received a phone call from a police officer. The first thought that came to my mind was that my new driver’s cousin get into trouble and I was right though. My cousin’s car got into a terrible accident, the most shocking thing for my family is that the one who died, he was the one who’s birthday was. The one who was driving got distracted by text messages as he replied, the car got into a disastrous accident.

I think those who don’t take driving seriously should learn from a family like me, a little mistake has an effect on the entire family. Today’s teenagers feel like driving is fun or some of the game and just because of that, many of the accidents will take place and most of the time, this contributes to a vehicular accident that can cause death. The biggest age group affected by this issue would have to be teens aging from 16 up to adults aging around 30. I think there should be a special event or program in high school about safe driving since age 16 involved in most of the accidents. No one advances from this issue other than the law enforcement team who has to struggle so hard to encourage the influence of no texting while driving and funeral homes that are being waged for burial expenses. The reason I spoke about the law enforcement benefit from the problem would have to be because this is an example of specifically what they struggle so tough to avoid. Funeral homes benefit because most of these events result in a tragic accident that allows the funeral home to plan a home going ceremony. It should address the importance of drivers to anyone who receives a valid driver’s license and can operate a vehicle. This specific idea should generate a direct impact on life because it allows people a chance to look at what can take place if a person drives carelessly. And most times relating to this specific problem, it is always the age group ranging from 16 years of age to 30 years of age. I hope that this problem can get resolved quickly to avoid many accidents and death.