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Drivers Ed Online – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Jessica Freile
From: Rochester, Michigan
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

The Importance of Safe Driving

I never realized how true the trite expression “in the blink of an eye” was until I experienced being in a car accident. My mom was driving, and I was in the passenger seat. We were stopped at a red light and as I looked down at my phone to change a song, in the blink of an eye (literally), my biggest fear came true. Someone rear ended us going at least 45 miles per hour while we were stopped. I never saw it coming, it all happened so fast. My head hit the head rest and it took me a while to process what happened. The driver was distracted by his phone. Thankfully everyone was okay, but I had to suffer the consequences of someone else’s mistake. This car accident changed my life. I had a concussion for a month and post-concussion migraines almost every day for 6 months. The experience of being in a car accident allowed me to reflect on the dangers of being distracted while driving and how important it is for me to be a safe driver and help others become safer on the road.

There are a multitude of steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. One of the main steps is requiring everyone to take a drivers ed course before they get their license. Taking this step will reduce the number of inexperienced drivers on the road. Safe driving starts with educating adolescents on the rules of the road as well as the consequences of being intoxicated and/or distracted by technology use, food, other passengers, etc. Drivers ed is essential because learning about the consequences of distracted driving and the statistics related to car accidents instills a sense of caution and responsibility in people. In addition to this, drivers ed requires hours of practice which helps people acclimate to paying attention to their surroundings and practice safe driving. Drivers ed strengthens observational and safety skills which furthermore reduces the number of deaths due to driving. Other steps include raising awareness through school presentations, campaigns, and social media. Posting statistics on social media is currently a more effective method because this information can be widely spread. Taking these steps will further promote safe driving around the world.

Personally, the steps I can take to be a safer driver is to make sure that I am fully attentive when driving, not tired or distracted by my phone or the radio. To help others I can post statistics on social media and engage in conversations about safe driving. I know my story is similar to others, my family and friends have been in accidents where the other driver was at fault because they were distracted. Fortunately, we were okay, but others suffer more serious injuries or death due to distracted driving which is why it’s so imperative to be a safe driver, not only for your safety and well-being, but for the safety and well-being of other people too.