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Drivers Ed Online – Taking the Wheel

Name: Lacey Freking
From: Lincoln, Nebraska
Votes: 0

Taking the Wheel

In my short time thus far, I’ve learned just how important it is to focus on making sensible, responsible choices to protect not only myself, but others. A few years ago, my family was involved in a terrible car accident while traveling in Florida. Fortunately, everyone is alive, but my family members still struggle coming to terms with their physical and mental injuries from someone else’s actions. It was a bus driver who was driving too fast while being distracted and she ended up t-boning our rental car as we were turning. It turned our world due to one choice and one person. After months of recovery, we all learned the importance of choices. Making strong, intentional choices has been my goal ever since the accident.

In my daily life, my habits like getting into a car were completely different. I experienced paralyzing fear when I got behind the wheel of a car. In the middle of my drivers ed, I was terrified to be in control of a moving vehicle, but because I was taught by a great teacher, I felt safer. At times, the tests were difficult, but this was one of the first steps needed to be better drivers. Our educators knew that making this hard would benefit us in the long run. Practicing on my own became another important step in the driving safe process. Focusing on the specifics such as parallel parking, yielding for pedestrians, and learning signs are great to practice with constantly to be better prepared on the road. Being properly educated is the most important part of reducing deaths on the road, because when everyone is educated about driving, people can depend on the other drivers to be safe.

Through experiencing an accident, I learned my role in what I can control. I can control my choices of choosing to text and possibly hurting another family. I can control if I choose to drink and possibly hurt someone’s child. Whether my decisions affect people directly or indirectly, I will be making judgements based on past experiences. As an adult, I know I will be facing situations where I have to think about the consequences that my actions could lead to. They could be small or big decisions, but nonetheless they will be important. I choose to not get distracted by my phone as it beeps alert after alert as I drive to classes. I choose to make sure I don’t get into a car where people are intoxicated, and I encourage others to do the same. Educating others to be patient, smart, and experienced drivers is the best way to limit more car accidents in our communities. When it comes to the well-being and health of others, those decisions make the biggest impact. As you grow, you learn to find out what is best, and what is wrong. I’ve learned from my past to think before I act. To be passionate about my decisions. To take the wheel in my life into my own hands.