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Drivers Ed Online – In the Diver’s Seat

Name: Kaylee Harris
From: Murrieta, CA
Votes: 0

In the Diver’s Seat

In the Driver’s Seat

Driving has always been a high-risk activity and has been since the first motorized car was created. As the decades have passed, society has advanced technologically and made safer transportation. Although newer technology helps keep us safe, we still aren’t perfect which makes driving a high-risk. To help keep us safe, we have rules illustrating who can drive and what ages people must be. When learning how to drive, there are a series of classes that need to be taken in order to obtain any type of license. These classes are intended to inform the learner of safe driving habits to protect themselves and others. Some may argue against these classes, but I believe they are crucial to the safety of roads.

If one wasn’t informed of the many rules of driving, such as traffic signs or speed limits, then they could become a hazard to themselves and the others. I believe that the only way we could reduce the amount of driving related deaths is by finding it in ourselves to make safety a priority. In traffic school, we are taught the correct things to do while driving as well as the incorrect ones. We all know what’s right and what’s wrong, however, not everyone follows these guidelines. We have laws against cellphones while driving, driving under the influence, and distracted driving overall, however, these laws are still not followed. It’s up to the drivers to make the safety of themselves, and others, a priority.

I have witnessed a fatal car collision due to a drunk driver as well as friends simply ignoring speed limits. When the driver got hit by the intoxicated one, all I could think about was why the driver thought it was appropriate to get behind the wheel. We are all taught to not participate in driving under the influence, however, these situations continue to occur every day. The woman in the car was doing everything that she was taught and was practicing safe driving habits, but someone else did not have the same mindset. Due to the drunk driver’s ignorance, that woman’s life was taken. When I see friends driving at illegal speeds, I remind them that speed isn’t worth it. I remind them that no one’s life should be at stake simply so that the driver can get from place to place a few minutes faster. In order to make changes, we can all start by putting our cellphones down while driving and waiting until we get to our destination. In addition to cellphones, we should eliminate distracted driving as much as possible. The CDC says that there are about 1,000 injuries and nine deaths everyday due to distracted driving. I can also help by keeping others in check by reminding them not to speed or even get behind the wheel while under the influence. Eliminating excessive speeding, drivers under the influence, and distracted rivers will keep roads safer and will help myself and others.