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Drivers Ed Online – Technology Free Mindset

Name: Daysi Lagunas
From: Baytown, Texas
Votes: 0

Technology Free Mindset

Daysi Lagunas

July 22, 2020

Technology Free Mindset

Today most people know about the dangers of texting while driving. We see commercials and ads about it all the time. Some driving education schools may have a “no texting while driving” session, yet there are still accidents involving distract drivers. Today we live in a world where the media and technology is everything. We can use technology for exploration and communicating. It is fabulous to have a cell phone that opens the doors to this world. Unfortunately, it has reached to the point where using your phone could put you in a life or death situation. If our driving educational system introduces a method to prepare a “technology free” mentality approach towards driving, we could avoid thousands of car accidents involving texting while driving. This is becoming more of a challenge since modern technology has created vehicles that allow you to connect your phone to its system to make phone calls while driving. We even see people talking on the phone while driving on television shows, making it look it is an acceptable custom. This brings an illusion to young drivers who think nothing bad could ever happen to them.

Every driving school’s mission should be to teach young drivers not to text and drive and to prepare program them not to spend so much time on their phone. This may look more of a disciplined approach, in fact, it is, and it is necessary. What driving classes can simply do is not just prohibit cell phone use during class, but also limit their phone use during breaks (unless used for emergencies) to start practicing this “technology free” mindset.

Hold on, this is not the correct way for student drivers to detach from their phones,” someone may think. “In fact, it might even backfire them to use their phones even more.” No matter what, young people might still take risk and rebel about the idea of being more phone free. However, we cannot give up on them; we must have faith that they can become responsible young drivers. I believe there are many young drivers that have a “technology free” mindset, and are cautious drivers.

Personally, I am not too attach to my phone, and I can handle a car drive without checking my phone. Whenever I drive, I place my phone far in the passenger’s seat or put it inside my purse to prevent me from reaching it. Thanks to this method, I am bless to say that I have never been in a car accident. When I use these safety precautions, I feel very proud of myself. In fact, it feels so good that this is reason why I want to share it with others. This is the secret; friends would want to persuade their peers to be better drivers. We should not be afraid to admit to ourselves that putting aside the phone is necessary to do. Remembering that there is no NEED to pull out our phone while driving will help save lives.
