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Drivers Ed Online – The Broken Windshield

Name: Henry Hahn
From: Lamont, IA
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The Broken Windshield

Henry Hahn

Drivers ed Initiative Award: In the Driver’s Seat

July 31, 2020

The Broken Windshield

Drivers being properly educated is vital for safety on the road. Knowing which sign means what or who has the right of way could be the difference between staying safe or getting into an accident. Driving is a heavy responsibility that many people take lightly. Operating a vehicle that weighs hundreds of pounds at high speeds can be fatal to the driver or somebody outside the car if misused.

Several years ago, my girlfriend, Rylee, was almost in a car accident with her sister. At the last minute, Rylee decided not to go out with her sister. Her sister left, only to roll the car in a ditch on a gravel road. While rolling, a fence post broke the windshield and penetrated the passenger side seat. Rylee’s sister survived with minimal injuries, but Rylee would have died if she went along.

The car crash was caused by Rylee’s sister speeding down a gravel road, distracted from the road by her phone, and swerving to miss a tractor. Speeding down a gravel road is dangerous enough without also being distracted. Potholes, washboard ruts, and loose sections of rock are common on rural gravel roads and could be dangerous if hit while going at a high speed. Drivers who text and drive can travel over the length of a football field without their eyes on the road. If Rylee’s sister would have been paying attention to the road, she could, in theory, have had enough time to safely pass that tractor.

Safer driving can be encouraged by doing a couple different tactics. The most effective tactic plays on a person’s fears. Showing the effects of distracted driving in drivers ed and in public service announcements can help discourage a reckless driver. If the driver is afraid of dying or losing somebody from their reckless driving habits, they will likely be more cautious.

Another way to help prevent dangerous driving habits is if the passengers speak up. If the driver of the vehicle is texting while driving, the passenger could ask the driver to focus on the road. The passenger could also offer to send the message for the driver if it really is that important. Peer pressure on the driver can be a good motivation to end a bad driving habit.

Driving safely does not only benefit the driver, it also benefits others outside of the car. Just by not answering a call or a text while behind the wheel, lives can be saved. While there are other bad driving habits such as speeding or road rage, distracted driving seems to be the biggest cause of vehicle accidents within the last five years. So when behind the wheel and the phone starts buzzing, drivers need to ask themselves whether it is truly worth the risk.