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Drivers Ed Online – The Compact Machine

Name: Raquel Simone Thomas
From: Atlanta, Georgia
Votes: 0

The Compact Machine

Thomas 2

Raquel Thomas

In the Driver’s Seat Scholarship

01 August 2020

The Compact Machine

A compact machine with four wheels, a steering column, and a seatbelt. These are several features that make up the modern day machine that is known as a car or automobile as Karl Benz called it.

Over the years, many have lost their lives and/or been injured due to reckless driving which has resulted in the creation of ‘drivers ed’ courses. Drivers ed courses teach the rules of the road, how a car works, how to operate one successfully, and how to be a safe driver when faced with dangerous situations. Overall, since drivers ed has become mandatory in 32 states, there has been a significant decrease in fatal accidents. However, there has been an increase recently due to distracted driving caused by phone use and driving while intoxicated.

In order to decrease the number of deaths nationwide, drivers ed needs to become mandatory in all states. Not only that, but to prevent intoxicated driving, bars should have breathalyzers on hand and when someone has had multiple drinks, they should test their BAC. If the person’s BAC is over the maximum amount permitted for drivers, then they should call an Uber for them. I also believe there should be more red-light and speed cameras put into place to prevent possible accidents.

Sadly, I have been in a car accident. I was in one when I was younger, when a man drifted into our lane due to falling asleep at the wheel. He had just come back from overseas and was driving home from the airport. He claims that jetlag resulted in his tiredness. This is an example of unsafe driving. He had known he was jetlagged, yet he did not take a taxi home or ask a family member or friend to pick him up. His selfishness resulted in a car accident which could have been prevented.

I have also seen my parents drunk-drive. This has happened on multiple occasions and ever since I got my permit or license, I have offered to drive for them. In some cases, they have refused to let me do so, but in others I did drive in-their-stead. Their recklessness could have injured or killed someone, but thank goodness that never happened.

Some steps myself and others could take to be better and safer drivers is to communicate the importance of driver awareness and driving sober. Others and myself could push our states to offer drivers ed courses, drivers ed refresher courses, and more in-detail discussions at schools. I could also set my playlist before beginning to drive, toss my phone in the backseat, or put it on ‘do not disturb,’ and ensure that my navigation system is functioning properly before driving.

If I see someone on the street who plans to drive while intoxicated, I could offer to call them an Uber/Lyft for free. I would do this simply because it would mean saving another life, not just theirs, but the person who they could accidentally injure or kill.

498 words.