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Drivers Ed Online – Driving Education

Name: Darnell Larenzo Jackson
From: waterbury , CT
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Driving Education


Darnell Jackson

Dmv Edu Scholarship Contest

Drivers ed has become more crucial to teenagers today as opposed to in previous years. Teaching drivers ed to the youth could potentially be less of a risk as the younger generation “hits the road”. The steps that could be taken to avoid deaths as a result of driving include street sign knowledge. Street signs and traffic signals are put into place to manage the flow of traffic. Oftentimes, even drivers that do not have any points on record could take a risky turn or speed, but these decisions could be life threatening for other people as well. 

         As well as educating the youth about street signs, the importance of not drinking and driving plays a major role in driver’s safety. Driving under the influence of intoxicating beverages means that a driver’s senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol. After two or three drinks, alcohol begins to impair reaction time, coordination and balance. Some people get into their cars after a night of partying and argue that, “I can drive, I only had two beers”, however, this is not entirely true. According to the CDC, every drink contains about ½ ounce of alcohol. This means that it is not about what you drink, but how many drinks you have. It cannot be specified enough that no matter how many drinks you have, the only thing that can make a person sober is time. This concept is oftentimes overlooked. 

         The last step to avoiding accidents is for drivers to realize that the ability to drive is a privilege, not a right. Before getting into a car that theory is something that must be realized as many lives could possibly be in danger. State law allows or requires an individual’s driving privilege to be suspended for certain motor vehicle violations. This means that a driver’s license will be taken away and the motorist may not drive for a period. To avoid any problems or complications, it is important to know and obey your state’s traffic laws. The laws are put into place for safety reasons. Failure to comply with such laws could endanger the lives of everyone on the road. 

I have never been in a car accident, but I have been with someone who was driving irresponsibly. He was drunk and driving reckless, I thought he was going to crash a couple of times. He was driving too fast, then slowed down, then he yielded too late and a car almost hit us. The other time was when he was texting someone and the wheel turned left and shifted to the curve. 

A few things that can help me improve my driving methods are to Tidy up my sloppy habits, meaning just follow the rules of driving, doesn’t matter how little they are. 2. Adjust my mirror (ALL), avoid being blinded by high beams, use the S-turn maneuver in left-hand turn lanes, keep your eyes moving.