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Drivers Ed Online – Driving In My Experience

Name: sherlie pierre
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Driving In My Experience

Take it easy driving -the life you save may be mine”-James Dean. I never never knew the power in those words. I recently obtained my drivers license. It took me longer than I expected because for the longest I have been afraid. Last year a friend of mine died due to a drunk driver . At 5 pm during soccer practice we were told the most distress news. While one of our own was heading to practice “a young woman made a wrong turn that ended Carlie life” the coach said . After further investigation we were told she was clearly under the influence.I was traumatized by the tragic incident. I never in a million year would think someone so close to me could lose their life. However at some point I had to put my fears to rest.I vowed that I wouldn’t drink while driving or drive if I feel incapable.I recently moved to Miami,as a young adult I realized having a driver license is essential in living here.Miami is a very on the go city, people are always trying to reach their destination in a timely matter. However, having a vehicle here does sometimes make one lazy and can be very dangerous. I had a coworker of mine who is always late to work. I was curious about why? He had a vehicle so what was his reason. I decided one day to ask him ,“Why are you always late? He gave me a smik” I have a car”. He realized how quzzle I looked.He decided to emphasize what he meant. ” I don’t have to wake up early , and I have extra time, ” he replied. “I drive fast and I always beat Siri in directions” .Clearly he was making light of the situation. My response to him was “when you put yourself in that position you endanger other people.” Now you are rushing to work cutting people off someone could get hurt or worse die. you could have easily prepared yourself beforehand. It seems like it went in one ear and out the other. The following week my car broke down and he offered to give me a ride. My head was saying no but my pocket said I have no choice. I said yes with uncertainty. I have some rules I uttered loudly. “Keep your seatbelts on”.You must follow the speed limit. If it’s yellow and clearly you can’t make it, don’t try! You are not in the race with no one”. “No cutting no one”. After giving him all my rules he nodded with approval. I began to explain to him why I am so strict about driving. One minute you could be talking to your friend and the next moment they are gone. Someone I cared about dearly died by someone else because of negligence. The feeling of not being there to save them is the worst feeling in the world so I beg you to listen to me.