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Round 3 – Driver’s Impact

Name: Christine A Clark
From: Hermitage, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

Driver’s Impact

The importance in driver’s education is to put educated drivers on the road so they are more able to deal with events that may occur in the safest way possible- for them and everyone else. Most new drivers are also young drivers that are excited about the potential freedoms and opportunities driving will grant them. The more education that can be provided to them on the various challenges, from road conditions to other vehicles, reading signs properly, and anticipating other drivers moves, all lead to the increased likelihood that they will be better, safer drivers. This guidance, combined with hands on experience offers drivers more than just possibly cheaper insurance rates but a more confident driving experience.

I strongly feel the number one reason for the most accidents are distracted driving. Whether it is due to a cell phone, another passenger, a crying baby or adjusting the radio station. If we could simply take the time to set up everything we can before beginning our journey as well as pulling over if the situation is immediate, we would drive less distracted and also be safer on the road. Not just for ourselves, but for hundreds of other vehicles we may encounter.

I have seen the after affect of hundreds of accidents. As an EMT, unfortunately I have seen all of them across the spectrum, from minor fender benders to fatalities. Someone always failed to slow down or be paying attention to what is going on around them. This leads to drastic life altering events. Some in these accidents are seriously injured, requiring them to be cut from the vehicle and flown to a trauma center, others are covered and the family is notified of their loss. I feel the worst one is the driver who walks away, yet has to live with the result their actions had on others in ways that changed their lives forever.

The hardest passenger situation for me has been when I ride along with my sister. She has been driving longer than I have, yet we have completely different styles. She likes to drive fast, break hard and answer her phone if it goes off while she is driving. I have started calling her out on the danger she is placing on my life when she answers her phone, which is usually replying to a text message. I encourage her to pull over if it’s that important. I have to be honest; she never takes any of my comments well no matter how delicately I deliver them or how carefully I make a request for consideration of my life.

I use drive mode on my phone. I decided about eight years ago after assisting on the scene of an accident, that my nephews were not going to attend my funeral because I was texting and driving. I feel this app has been a life saver for me and many others on the road.