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Round 3 – Stay Safe

Name: Willem Alvarado
From: Haverford, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

Stay Safe

There is always risk taken when someone gets behind the wheel of a vehicle, making it crucial that the people who are licensed or obtaining licensing, use care and caution while driving. For some, driving a vehicle seems intuitive, but for others it is definitely not. Driving a vehicle takes some degree of coordination and multitasking and can be quite difficult for some. The ability to drive is affected by how well a person sees, hears, and even reads, as well as their ability to be aware of what is around them. It is important to make sure that drivers’ senses are not impaired, and they are able to successfully read/interpret road signs and obey instructions. It is key not to impair our senses with activities such as listening to loud music or neglecting to wear glasses, if needed. Even more crucial is not impairing our senses with drugs or alcohol. Once someone is impaired by drugs or alcohol, their ability to reason and make decisions is hampered, they often drive destructively, and are much more likely to hurt themselves and others. Their vehicle can truly become a weapon. Not only is impaired driving inconsiderate, it is illegal and can lead to grave consequences for drivers and those around them.


We are not out on the road alone. Even if other vehicles are not around, there are people on foot or on bikes, as well as animals that we have to account for and avoid contact with. It is also very important not to add additional and unnecessary distractions to the process of driving, such as texting or talking on the phone, putting on makeup, or eating. It is unbelievable how destructive, yet totally avoidable, distracted driving can be. Setting cell phones to ‘do not disturb’ mode, leaving music at a reasonable volume, and delaying eating or other activities while driving can reduce the likelihood of an accident and must be considered. 


Even the best, undistracted driver, can be affected by natural elements, such as weather and roadway impairments. Checking weather conditions before making a trip, short or long, is relevant and can allow for preparations. The only accident I have been in happened while I was driving with my brother. We were on the road alone, in the middle of winter. After stopping at a stop sign, he pulled out into the intersection and over a patch of ice that he did not anticipate. The car spun out and landed in a ditch. I remember how scared I was and how lucky we were that no one else was around us. Then came the realization that we were alone, without help, and stuck in a ditch. Luckily, our parents eventually came, picked us up, and got the car moved and repaired. We got lectured on the importance of pulling out slowly from an intersection and taking the elements and road conditions into account. It was a lesson learned the hard way, but could have been worse.